New Film Productions

Ira Frederick Aldridge is OTHELLOView the Ira Aldridge was one of the most gifted actors to walk the earth. He was born in
July of 1807 in New York City to free parents. As a child, he attended the African
Free School, and African Theatre, where he developed a deep interest in
Shakespeare. Ira had strong ambitions but knew the land of his birth would never
give him an opportunity to see his dream fully come true. In 1824, he sailed to
England in search of more opportunities.
In 1825, he performed Othello becoming the first Black man to play this Black
character in Europe. Ira continually fought against prejudice while rising to
prominence as an actor throughout Europe. His greatness is evident from the
number of awards he received from heads of state and governments including the
Prussian Gold Medal for Arts and Sciences from King Frederick William III, the
Golden Cross of Leopold from the Czar of Russia, and the Maltese Cross from
Bern, Switzerland. Ira was must-see theatre all across Europe. His portrayal of
Othello was the catapult to his career.
Ira Aldridge was born to free parents in an age of slavery and became one of the
most gifted actors to walk the earth. Ira had strong ambitions. He sailed to
England and became the first Black man to play Othello in Europe. Ira continually
fought against prejudice while rising to prominence as an actor. Ira became must-
see theatre and his portrayal of Othello was the catapult to his career.